Awarded in London?
October 15, 2017 by Gloria (Edit)
Welcome again, this time in London!
Dear happy and not so happy friends,
With another session of The Language of a happy life: What is happening in my brain ?
This time I have decided to share with you an incredible experience that has happened to me because I am almost always giving my brain pleasant, kind and happy images through my thoughts based on gratitude. Those positive images have caused the following event that I share with two purposes:
- The one of showing them how being “endorphinated” through proactive images causes proactive events
- That of putting in your hands the possibility of creating ideal situations parallel to your dreams
This time I am simply sharing what happened to me and how these types of events can happen to all of us if we only ALLOW them, just by flowing to the rhythm of the following truth:
Everyone is a perfect Creation of Source, and everything is perfect just the way it is …
The message I want to share with you is that it is really how you see life, and not what is happening in it, that creates your reality …
What do you choose?
Here I go … with this incredible event in which happiness in me has been awarded in London, England to 300 people from the world of business and politics. Tonight 25 people were called to the podium to celebrate the positive influence of their actions, creating wages and manifesting dreams throughout their careers.
Yesterday I have been awarded.
Today I am still overwhelmed …
What is this award for?
Just for being in touch with dearest Self?
As my name was called
Among that powerful crowd
Of young and not so old people
I felt my heart ❤️ deeply shy …
” What? It is not true!
What is going on?”
My eyes were shining;
As Sarah prompted: ‘ On stage! Go now! ‘
In deep amazement,
Without knowing what to do,
I went on stage
Without further ado.
“Oh Mom, Dad oh,
what do I do now?
I feel so happy
You’re on stage now!”
As the smiles of the diners
Receive me on stage,
My brain is endorphinated,
Gratitude exploding like a sage.
While my hands receive the golden trophy
That many award winners before me embraced,
I feel their joy also in this trophy.
In fact, we are all Endless Oneness.
The Burj Awards were created
for Tariq Nizami’s intention to praise
all those noble people who are qualified
as great collaborators who salaries create.
Whether it was bankers or artists
Government officials or business owners,
For the last 90 minutes he had applauded
Admiring how CEO’s had been praised.
Global Happiness Ambassador Award
It is what my being is listening to now!
What is there to be awarded?
… To know that there is nothing to know ?
My body touches the trophy …
I know how much effort it takes to create it:
Months and months of dedication
To take this afternoon to its summit.
Tariq Nizami and his dreams,
To create a platform to invite
B usiness men and women alike
To trade and create others’ wages and smile.
The Ceoclubs network
with a home in Dubai,
An emirate that was founded
On the pillars of service to all alike.
With his mother and father
Being the witness of faith
Along with his wife Sarah Dong who cannot alter
Her deep look of love, for all is reflected in his face.
This award that I receive
Is for your ancestors and mine,
Who have always woven
This shining fabric of smiles,
About all the people who support us
Jenn, Jack, Cherisse and many more
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Ceoclubs now I love you much more!
And what is love?
If not to create incessantly
New smiles, in only one way:
TOGETHER WE ARE BETTER, now come, you are part of this train!
What happened Let me f ind out …
Oh my God. Oh my God!
I do not remember a time when I was more surprised than today.
When I flew to London from Dubai with my adorable, God-appointed daughter Svina to support Sarah
Dong, CEO and Founder of Ceo Clubs, Tariq Nizami, my heart was eager to
learn from this lovely couple I so admire.
Ohhh. What level of organization! What an incredible desire to serve!
I left Dubai at 1 am with a great desire to praise the immense efforts that this event, the CEO Clubs Burj Awards, represents. Svina, my Chinese daughter would meet me at Heathrow Airport in London to live this experience with me.
The agenda, which was written on paper, turned out to be a million times more than his

I packed all my Sindashi clothing, fashion-art that allowed me to bring my Mexican artisans and painters to this event, dressing and dreaming about and with them.
Before sleeping I sent them my blessings …

Feeling blessed, immensely blessed by this opportunity to share with the world the joy that entices others to choose happiness, bringing about their own health, wealth, and well-being. I prepared my altar before sleeping, with my husband Ibrahim, mentor and life partner, in the photo frame. The handmade sunglasses that allow artisans who work from the heart to be empowered through😎 , founded by my sweetest daughter Sarita.
Global Two days back as we arrived to London Heathrow airport

We arrived at Heathrow. Always empowered by cleaners with their smiles. Baoli, allias Svina is always part of my joy! Can you imagine what the streets would be like without them? Thank you!

Our host hotel …

And our host Tariq Nizami! Hey

Having lunch while I appreciate …

And dinner while they celebrate …

What event! Success demands more.

Colleague and friend Sandi …

Close family and friends turned in their seats for others to eat. Congratulations !!! 60 guests were expected, but 80 showed up …
Surprise!! The next morning

My most admired Dr. Mohamed Shael, Executive Director of the Dubai Department of Economic Development.

On the bus to the House of Lords to announce the founding of CEO Clubs UK chapter; h ere I present the poetic book written by Tariq’s wonderful and super-friendly mother, which I take wherever I go on my globetrotter life, receiving her continuous blessing. May God bless her soul always.

On the bus singing along the lines of:
Happiness is here and now,
I’ve lost my worries.
Nothing to do, nowhere to go,
And I’m not in a hurry
Happiness is here and now,
I’ve lost my worries.
Something to do, somewhere to go
And I’m not in a hurry.

And here we are, registered to enter! Some of the ladies are yet to arrive!

A group of around 70 of us … wow, Ceoclubs. Do you see what you have done?

Together we are better! With CEO Clubs Executive Director Sarah Dong, my “twin sister”

My favorite and admired Dr. Mohamed Shael. What a way to serve Dubai and humanity representing the best of Dubai government! Also here, my lovely and pure twin sister Sarah and Atif, the CEO of Danube. which represents a true super story from rags to riches.

Sindashi (link), art made by Mexican artisans. You are wherever I go … and your 150 artists, embroiders and painters are being honored as we speak through the clothes that I wear wherever I go.

The art and history here in the London House of Lords excite each one of my cells! Wearing handmade glasses from Long live Mexico!

Yeyyyy! Women, rock! CEOs from different countries gracefully provoking salaries.

And just like the Keep Bhutan Clean movement, we have the same initiative here! Y Tu? What are you cleaning?
Global Inside the House of Lords

The Parlament. And we are here! Part of the decision-making history. Thanks, CEO Clubs!

From China to Pakistan, from Namibia to the USA, CEOs who came to celebrate the founding of the CEO Clubs Chapter in the United Kingdom, and possibly also to be awarded for their contribution to society.

The Heartisans sun shades are here too, making history!

And Dubai Economic Development CEO Dr. Mohamed Shael, an award nominee is sharing his view of life as a public official. How inspiring Dubai is!

Together we are better. Mexico Happiness Fest from March 17-18, 2018, here we go, hopefully with the participation of Dubai! At Villas Xichu holistic center of happiness in Mexico, founded by me … what an honor!
Again more food … how privileged are we?

Sommelier at the House of Lords restaurant

Heartisans. Sarita my beloved daughter. You are wherever you go with your precious heart products. Artisans of the heart.

And Ibrahim, my admired life partner, you travel with me in this framework … until tomorrow!

Together we are better … my adored mentor and super admired spouse, best friend and father of my kids, Ibrahim.

Mohammed, I can feel the presence of your parents in every movement, in every word you say. Namaste … I honor the light within you. You are an excellent economy ambassador for Dubai.
Another great congratulator, Councilman Francis Stainton! On October 28 you have another happy event here. We are in!

And the rhythm continues!
Gala Dinner and CEO Burj Awards
Sponsored by HE Sheikh Juma Bin Maktoum Juma Al Maktoum, Dr. Tariq Nizami, founder of the Ceoclubs network, introduced the CEO Burj Awards to community enhancers and innovators.

Sindashizied! At the London Dorchester Hotel

The Namibian Minister of Finance, Mr. Calle Schlettwein, so kind and compassionate.

Another member of parliament teaches us by a good example. Baroness Couttie

Phones around being happy. Here with Atif, CEO of Danube, a company that started in Dubai as a small position 24 years ago and is now a $ 1.5 billion business. What a joy to see my happiness sticker on his phone: you decide to be happy and stay happy no matter what!

The waiters wait for us happily …
If only I had known…

And the surprise begins …
TARIQQQ Mentor !!! Dozens of prizes awarded in the presence of HE Sheikh Juma Bin Maktoum Juma Al Maktoum of the Royal Family of Dubai and patron of the Ceo Clubs Network

Here, with the President of Namibia, who was also awarded by the great government

Sarah borrowed my phone to take pix because hers “had no more battery”, making sure I would be in the room when my name would be called

She asks me to sit in Tariq’s place while on the podium.

She takes a selfie of the twins within us …

Que??? I hear m and name announced throughout the ballroom … as I hear with almost tears in my eyes:
GLORIA BELENDEZ RAMIREZ, come received your award as the Global Happiness Ambassador
That would be me !! My Mom (Ramirez) and Dad’s (Belendez) daughter!

I can not believe it! I don’t know what to say … so then I decide to deliver my message Singing: Decide to be happy and stay happy, no matter what, NO MATTER WHAAAAT!
And my heart beats all the way to the Aztecs … THANK YOU MY GOD !!! Thank you…Mom and Dad… thank you Life….

And on the podium they ask me to speak.
“I don’t know what to say. All I know is that I am extremely happy and very contagious,” I said while throwing my imaginary wand at the audience:
Whoooooosh! I hear myself say over the microphone as I enchant with my imaginary magic wand the 500 diners who started to clap …
Cheater Peter, my “twin sister” Sarah!

Thank you HE Sheikh Juma Bin Maktoum Juma Al Maktoum, Dr. Tariq Nizami, founder of the Ceoclubs network, Dr. Takhir Akhter, President of CEO Clubs UK and Viscount Waverley. Together we are better!

And so along with the President of Namibia, Sarah and we all become One in peace, health, wealth and well-being. We know that together we are better!

All CEO honorees, including the lovely Sandi Rich from Dubai.

And my adorable Baoli, aka Svina, who was part of Mama Gloria’s joy (that would be me …)

A dream that I appreciate and take full responsibility for. Help me with this explosion of happiness and continue to choose happiness no matter what! TOGETHER we weave a happy fabric that will cover wars and hatred, transforming itself into peace and harmony …
Thank you!

Shukran Founder of Ceoclubs Dr. Tariq Nizami

Thanks forever … Sarah and Tariq
Together we are better!
October 11, 2017
Dorchester Hotel
London england