What is accumulating money?

Welcome back!

It’s great to have you back on this happy platform, exchanging happy ideas and thoughts and not-so-happy to enjoy and celebrate life together … sharing …

Now I’m back in Dubai after 45 days of having   enjoyed fabulous time in Mexico, USA U.S., Egypt and Saudi Arabia before returning to this amazing Emirate: Dubai …

And as I opened many amazing new doors, I found the following experience that I want to share with you:

What is accumulating money?

The other day, I felt a great friend look into the horizon as he sighed deeply, watching the greatness of the hotel gardens we were in:

“Yes! I want to be a part of that, too! (I want to have a lot of money) “

This friend has an incredible inner wealth, and has always been doing what his heart desires, paying no attention to material wealth formally.

He’s the kind of person who knows there’s nothing to know … it only flows in   total serenity, spreading peace and harmony around him.

However, if he wanted to snap his fingers and fly to Timbuktu and invite anyone he wants or acquire his dream home for his family, he does not have the financial freedom to do so immediately because he has never set that goal.

I felt, yes, I felt as at that time he had decreed the decision to open that new door; my heart danced with joy in a declared complicity of about … 300 years…

Sounds weird?

Yes, because so mysterious is life when we flow like the other beings who live on Mother Earth… our teachers… who live in total faith knowing that  everything is perfect  just the way it is.

His comment transported me to those days when I began to make money formally at age 21, in Tokyo, Japan, while studying that language, working to support myself.

It is true that I never lacked material abundance, as my parents made me live in it. I didn’t know what it was like   to live on a limited basis, except for the restrictions that my parents very wisely imposed on us.

However, never, accumulating money, has been the central focus of my conscious activities.

Since I came out of the influence of the state of “Poor Me” in which I lived during the first 17 years of my life,  I’ve always done what my passion dictates to me;  money has consistently just followed me.

When I became financially independent at 21, on my birthday to be precise, I felt so good with the awareness to  just be the power that we all are!

My passion to connect people  converted me into an international multilingual interpreter without the need for a university degree …  I was being paid to learn… wow, right?

I was doing what I was doing the best I could while having fun.

Because if I wasn’t having fun, I just did not take that path. Period.

Invest in yourself!

Your body is your only true belonging. Respect it, love it, take care of it, hold it!

I was absolutely sure that my body was my most precious belonging to be able to live and navigate on Mother Earth, so I   always invested in me:

  • A great nutrition, delicious and fun, intensely thanking every bite
  • Comfortable bed-seats, especially on long trips
  • Massages, thanking the body for the unconditional love that it shows us at every breath
  • Exercise, while consciously sending oxygen to all my organs
  • Dress my body with respect and admiration, appreciating materials and designs with deep gratitude and sharing my joy
  • Living grateful for the space that covers me at night and allows me to celebrate life with family and friends in a relaxed and serene way
  • Oxygenate and move my body in close communication and mutual admiration with Mother Nature
  • Sharing my life with friends and family as an absolute priority
  • Enjoying my job as part of my life, not something separate from it

We attract who we are

This way of living in the now , following my dreams , attracted towards me the ideal man to start a family under the same values:

Someone in love with life , of economic freedom, of intense passion, with high integrity and   absolute humbleness.

Yes. A man you would never know how much he has earned, how much and what belongs to him or how much and to whom he has contributed.

A man who is deeply in contact with Mother Nature , which never gives advice and yet is a teacher for many ask  for his opinion and follow it!

A man who knows there’s nothing to know, and is able to snap his fingers and have or do what his heart desires or provides others with what their hearts desire without making any fuss.

He likes to support others to have a higher education, not just his children.

He is always present of the needs of others and yet does not treat anyone as if he were a baby knowing that everyone is able to realize their own dreams.

He takes care of what he thinks his duties are in such natural ways that he enchants who is around him, being a true inspiration of life…

Since the age of 13, he was making money… and always dreamed of more… while contributing to family well-being.

What’s the right age?

Just as the fruit falls from the tree only when it is ripe, so the human being is ready to accumulate riches only when you have understood that the key is to flow .

I’ve noticed in my work of happinizer that a lot of people are frustrated because “they haven’t arrived yet” and still dont  have a bank account that weighs more than what they need. Or that “money doesn’t catch up with them, ” or that “you’ll never be able to buy a house.”

As long as you have this picture in your mind, there ie where they’ll stay, since the brain, the absolute controller of our ground vehicle, our body, manifests what we “see” as our reality.

Then… What is accumulating wealth?

  • It is the ability to recognize that we are the abundance itself
  • Knowing that when we follow what we are passionate about,   resources follow us
  • Knowing that resources are there for us to take, like birds, who naturally know which insects to feed on and how to build their nests
  • It’s the consequence of living a life of passion
  • It’s the strong belief that economic energy is sacred, as it has the power to create wages and manifest dreams
  • It’s a chance to free us from any limitation.. and to  include  others with us in our and his dreams
  • It’s pure fun!
  • It’s being the very flow of life: just knowing that everything is perfect as it is and everyone is goodjust the way it is, and everyone is a perfect Creation of Source

What accumulating wealth is not

  • It’s not the ability to buy people
  • It’s not taking advantage of others to get what we want
  • It’s not a foolproof test of success
  • It is not essential for being

In   summary

If you want financial freedom to access all the riches your heart desires, know they’re already there for you to take.

Just as Mother Nature shows us, everything is available for us to just enjoy . All we need is to consider what it’s like to consciously live in the here and now, appreciating and thanking everyone and everything.

Including you.

Living in gratitude   allows   our brains to produce endorphins, which allows us to remain in the Now; being aligned with our Creator we are perfectly aware of who we are, being clearly able to declare with confidence what our gifts and talents are, putting them in action and service for the community. For more details read my blog past Interior Technology 

Ferrari or sandals?

Both solutions are perfect … as long as it’s the solution that makes you happy!

So, go out and buy your Ferrari! Not only will you like yourself, but you’ll be contributing to hundreds of Ferrari employees and suppliers to support their families.

And if you’re happy with just a pair of sandals that will take you around, where you,  you’re comfortable walking in, that’s perfect too!

What really matters is that the decision you make makes you happy…not the family, your parents, your spouse… to you!


Expression in photographs


Do you choose a limousine or a Ferrari to transport you?


… or a motorcycle … How fun!

IMG_8614.. or a pair of happy sandals … how creatively natural …


Nice clothes to honor our divine body …


… and to honor the fashion manufacturer or designer, sharing our bliss


Admiring the history of recipes and ancient containers to celebrate life through food …


Good food to appreciate and improve our health


… and gratitude for those who sow, harvest, transport, store, prepare our food …


… Actively appreciating in every possible way …

Hello chef! Thank you!


Treating our body pleasantly while traveling …


… thanking new technology and details …


… a turkish delight… True Turkish pleasure … Turkish Airlines …


… dreaming all together in the direction of the company … at Villas Xichu, Mexico


Honoring the family either on Earth or beyond …


… celebrating life by creating new activities on the fly …


… enjoying, together … alone we didn’t get anywhere


Be in tune with fun and celebration by always telling you yes to yes to yes!


Do what I like the most: connect people who share my experiences with happiness


… thanking everyone who joins me in organizing events and publications


… encouraging others to decide to be happy and stay happy no matter what.


… celebrating success with our staff members …


Always celebrating the sacredness of Her Majesty Ms. Economic Energy


… oxygenating and appreciating our earthly vehicle in deep gratitude

while connecting with nature …


… listening to The Silence, feeling that our body only receives the blessings of Mother Earth.

So, what do you decide?

Now my friend, who has already decided to accumulate money, will you come visit me in Mexico or Dubai?

Or do I visit you?

How many fun plans we’ll make together!!

Blessings for now!

Please share!

Please capture your feedback so that we can all get back together… it’s much more fun and it’s a great way to go: that of world peace.

See you next May 15th!

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