I came down with enormous verve before the sun came up, eager to start a New Day…
I lit a candle in honor of my little mother and my granny before I left home. The mantle of the night contrasted immensely with the intense glare of the flame that seemed to sing: “Good morning Gloria!” as I smiled back at the cheerful image of my mother.
The fresh breath of the morning ignited my senses even more; leaving the old Villa Chelala, the stone house of typical Lebanese architecture I heard the rooster sing:
“Kikirikiiiiiiiii, this song is for you and for miiiiiií!”
I smiled in my heart feeling the rewarding morning mist as I crossed the threshold of my fence, excited to be received with so much love for this young Fresh Tomorrow…
Ahhhh… Snap! Snap-snap!! Snap-snap-snap!!!!
I continued to take pictures of the absolute beauty of our Mother Nature, realizing that tears were obstructing the clarity of my eyes…
… Ahhhh… By wiping away the tears, I realized, seeing clearly again….
WOOWWW! suddenly I stumbled upon a great tree! It was so high! Easy about four meters if not more! Its branches were like small umbrellas, and on its crest sprouted flowers of an exotic beauty that captivated anyone…

appy WHAT happens is the shortest way to feel in touch with your Origin, in total harmony and gratitude.
Ahhhhhh… I started singing… No, my heart began to sing, incredibly inspired by such beauty… you are so beautiful to me, can You see?* Billy Preston’s music resonated in my head.
Ahhhhh… What a magnificent gift! What an intense expression of love and majestic beauty!
I reached the foot of Lady Fig, my everyday friend and confidante; I took two of its branches as locking myself in a circle, and closing my eyes, breathed deeply as I thanked the Creator for such a special Moment.
Tears of bliss filled every cell in my body, while I knew it running through the branches of my wise Friend seemed to join the blood that ran through my veins…. Ahhhh.
What a magical moment! What a union with the All… Faith… Freedom… Power… a deep embrace in total Unconditional Love…
Even with his eyes closed, as he breathed deeply and slowly repeated as usual:
… Breathe love…… exhale peace……. breathe happiness… … exhale health…
Feel happiness in every smiling cell…… feel the euphoria and SHARE IT TO ALL PULMON!!! QUE PINCHEEEE VIDOOOONNN!! Ahhhh… that such a deep connection with my Inner Self… Ahhhh…
After a deep meditation as Mrs. Higo hugged me, I began to walk back home, as tears tarnished my vision, brightening my heart.
Thank you for taking a flower from Jasmiin before you arrive at my house to offer it to my Mother… how I would have liked to be able to photograph such a lovely scent!!!
Upon entering my house, I was stunned by another miracle worthy of being photographed: Flowers, Food and Family… Breakfast was served… Wa Alhamdulillah . . .
Thank you my God for my wonderful life! For being the daughter of my Father and my Mother. For being the Mother of my Children.
Thank you life!
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