Yes you can!!


Have you ever been surprised to say, “Is that I can’t!!”?


Reflects. How do you feel when you say “I can’t”?


And now breathe and say “if I can!”


Do you notice the difference? What’s this difference? Breathe and feel it. Define it…


In both cases you are sitting (or standing) where you are at this moment. Nothing has changed, it is your mind that makes you feel these differences by bringing to your mind the image of:

-“I can’t!”

– “If I can!”


Train for the time being to convince yourself that SI CAN. Observe and study the lives of people like Henry Ford, Marconi, T. Roosevelt, S. Jobbs, all people who did not leave the image of “cannot be” enter their minds.


Say it! Note as if you’re convinced, you’re capable of doing whatever you want. You just need to take action and start with the first step and patiently walk consistently. Keep walking…


Learn from the kids. Let yourself be inspired. And with effortless effort you will have witnessed once again the YES YOU CAN! 

If You Can!




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