Gloria Beléndez Ramírez is Mexican, writer, lecturer, performer, mother, wife, lover, dreamer and is completely out of her mind; live in your heart and walk in the path of Now.

La única opción que me doy es la de Ser Feliz y Mantenerme Feliz PASE LO QUE PASE!
Gloria Beléndez Ramírez was born in Mexico City. She studied her third language in La-Tour-De Peilz, Switzerland. Enjoying intense communication with others immensely, she never returned to live in her native country. Instead, she traveled the world learning languages while enjoying her life with passion. Her family-oriented personality earned her several groups of “parents / relatives”: Korea, Japan, Germany, Cyprus, Italy, France, Egypt, China, Taiwan, and Greece.
At the age of 23 he founded “Globel Worldwide Interpreting Services” in Dusseldorf, Germany, traveling around the world. He was so passionate about his work that he describes it as: “… a school where I get paid to learn. »
She stopped working as an interpreter when her first child was born, and instead began to explore the world of the Inner being. This is how a five-day vacation in San Miguel de Allende turned into a four-year stay, founding in that period what is now Boutique Villas Xichu, a magical and mystical place where Gloria now also gives lectures « Decide to be happy and keep you happy, WHATEVER WHAT HAPPENS . Visit us!
After four years in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, she returned to the Middle East so that her children could speak the language, as she puts it, of her incredible Arab husband, choosing Lebanon as her residence.
Gloria was taught and guided by the most recognized spiritual and motivational leaders in the world. However, what has really guided her path in finding happiness again was having gone through a “tragedy.” Yes, a “tragedy” that ultimately put her on the path to fortune, realizing that happiness was an option at a time when Gloria wished she were not alive …
In November 2012 Gloria published her first book, Spiritual Orgasms, Encounters lived in the Now, calling it: “the book that wrote me.”
Since then her passion for sharing her deep happiness and appreciation for life has led her to teach workshops and retreats. Decide to be happy and stay happy, NO WHATEVER, traveling frequently while enjoying life greatly. For Gloria, there is no other option but to be happy and stay happy, NO WHATEVER.