How to turn on the light within you.

It’s as impressive as when you just keep walking on the path of life, you’re presented with magical new doors that lead you to always more effervescent realities.


You read a book that leads you to read another, and another, as a beautiful chain that leads you to a greater understanding and joy of your daily life.


Suddenly you find yourself in a sea of wisdom in which you swim passionately, coming all your energy and desire to live from the farthest reaches of your being.



For me, traveling to be the number one source that has allowed me to open more and more doors; the next source, reading.


On one of my trips, I bought a book at an airport, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari from Robin Sharma. I read it with my heart, and I really felt a new light ignite inside me.


Robin suggests in his book, read other books, among which:

Siddhartha de Hermann Hesse,

Think and Haste Rico from Napoleon Hill,

The power of intent   Wayne Dyer… and others.



Napoleon Hill captivated me with his statement:

“Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, your mind can achieve. “


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