When the mental process is based on the collective self
Sitting on the cool grass under Mrs. Tree that gives me a pleasant shade that allows me to enjoy the birth of a new day here in Dubai, I feel vibrate in my ears through my cell phone the words of Laurita, member of Villas Xichu Dream say Team:
“… is above all a balance between Villas Xichu, my colleagues and especially You…”
How happy to feel this feeling of harmony and growth flow in response to your achievement of having sold two nights in five villas this weekend.
And all this by phone!
Guests came to be greeted by our much admired and respected Don Artur, who has spent 13 years of his nights caring as a faithful relative our villas and gardens with his great sense of excellence, duty, service to the guest… respect for yourself, all always between jokes and smiles…
Here it is worth mentioning that our waitress Laurita has a great instruction at the University of Life. It does not require any diploma- as well as all my staff- that operate from the heart.
Specialist in the cleaning of the Villas, for a few months by rotation it was his turn to attend at the reception. Sometimes he has wanted to throw in the towel saying:
“I don’t want to fool anyone or me either that I can with this position. Madam please hire someone professional!”
I’ve heard you say this more than once.
And when I remind you that my beloved Granny Victoria was a divorced mother with three children, illiterated, who at 23 faces a reality: feeding three children. Having a Life diploma with honorable mention, my granny was not pierced. He rolled up his shirt and found a job as a washerwoman in two shifts in a hospital. I washed the bed sheets by hand… Singing!!
“Laurita, I am granddaughter of an illerated washerwoman who decided to solve her singing challenges. And this is what made it possible for my Mother to grow up with a full belly and a happy heart attracting my much-studied and successful father. and from this mentality of always choosing gratitude and celebration comes my mentality and my passion to incite others to decide to be happy and to stay happy no matter what… and Villas Xichu was born, also creating its sustainability.
What do you want to give your child? My granny was an illite washerwoman. Look where his granddaughter is. You where you see your grandchildren?”
Y Laurita responds to me with a “and we go on!“
While a single smile joins our hearts… that although they are separated by the Atlantic Ocean, they are on the same plane.
Today I see the fruits of the perseverance of our Lauris, fed by the fabulous Villas Xichu team.
Inspired and wanting to congratulate her call her by phone asking:
“What is it like to have sold five houses over the phone and to note that just a few hours later Don Arturo, our faithful night watch would have received them receiving payment from them?”
Laurita pauses. I feel how you are looking for the words in your grateful heart and finally says:
“It’s a sense of harmony, of peace… knowing the high costs involved in the maintenance of Villas Xichu. Without the participation of my colleagues and especially you Mrs. Gloria, this would not have been possible. Is… it’s a balance.”
Ahhhh My heart throbbed happy to note that my Laurita, that only a few months ago “ did not want to deceive himself into thinking that he was able to be in the Management”m was now talking like an entire entrepreneur!!
It is clear that His mental process is being modified by the image of “you can always” heading to positive thoughts by pulling with it all Villas Xichu.
And I remember how our now also supervisor Tomasita, four months ago when it was her turn to be in the chair of the administration decreed to write a book entitled “You can always“
Thank you for your example Tomasita, I want you to see the impact this has on all of us!
Thank you Laurita. Thank you for this enrichment that, as you say, is collective, is of our team for the love of Villas Xichu. And to know that we will never finish learning ever more and more of the greatness that each of us is…”
Thank you to each and every one of you who wanted VX staff for being who you are and for continuing to walk the path of creativity, sense of team, growth, gratitude, BALANCE.
Thank you.
Sitting down from Mrs. Tree, I command the universe this deep feeling of gratitude…
Me from Dubai, and my team members in Mexico, each, managing their own kingdom in Villas Xichu, San Miguel de Allende. Each of them putting their spirit in the gardens, in the cleaning and maintenance of the facilities, in opening and closing gates receiving guests in the small hours of the morning with a smile…
What do I see as Villas Xichu’s “mom”?
- I see the children of my collaborators always say “Yes!” Always see more within whether the great creativity, power and light that we are all!
- I see dreams come true.
- I see Villas Xichu as the group that has them all attached, being the very blood that runs through the veins of Villas Xichu.
- I see our guests who with their work invest their efforts in our Happiness Center, making it sustainable… and awakening in our hearts a great passion to serve them, to make your stay unforgettable.
- I see our distinguished clients leaving Villas Xichu with an even more highlighted verdsd: we are prefects and wonderful. We are walking miracles, because the Creator only creates perfection and beauty.
- I see the grandchildren (who are not yet born) of Laurita, Tomasita, Don Arturo, Lorenita, Jesus, Antonio, Mayra, Jenny and all our maintenance collaborators smile while living their dream come true.
- I see our community changing trajectories towards a “always can,” based on the great cosmic law: thank you. Thank you especially in moments of challenge and the Universe will thank you for giving you everything you ask from your heart.
Thank you my dear VX Dream Team.
Thank you for this balance sheet.

Ahhhh… Thanks to all the grannies in the worldoo!
What is your mental process?
And you? Which path are you going to follow?
Make awareness of how you’re thinking… what feeling feeds your life? Is fear or gratitude?
Sure if you base it on gratitude no matter what, you’ll have health, abundance and well-being.
Which do you choose?
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