I have to? I choose!

Good morning from Mexico, my home country!   What a joy to greet you from this colorful country to continue our talk about the importance of a language of happy life... provoking our serene reality...   For those who have not been with us since the beginning I welcome you, asking you to check on my blog dated May 8 the beginning of this presentation: The Language of a Happy Life, result … [Read more...]

The Balance: Celebrating as a team

When the mental process is based on the collective self   Sitting on the cool grass under Mrs. Tree that gives me a pleasant shade that allows me to enjoy the birth of a new day here in Dubai, I feel vibrate in my ears through my cell phone  the words of Laurita, member of Villas Xichu Dream say Team: "... is above all a balance between Villas Xichu, my colleagues and … [Read more...]

Living the Mystery of the Unknown

I feel like I'm in front of the Gate, The Gate leading to the Unknown. I see intense rays of light appear And disappear, strangers.   I feel shaken a burst of energy Running all over my body in total synergy. All the cells in my body expand in harmony While I thank God for this new body with intense joy.   I start swimming in the waters of the Unknown I immerse myself with … [Read more...]

Let yourself flow

When I look at the foundations of my  YO  current,  I realize again and again how, while I followed my path always giving my best and passionately enjoying what I did; whether learning a language, completing a project or seeking to achieve the goal of a client, always, however difficult the challenge would have been, I came to the culmination of it as by magic, with an … [Read more...]