Maybe this is one of the hardest principles to come by. We care too much as our neighbour thinks, that we are criticized, that they understand us badly... and then we prefer to sacrifice our ideals, our plans, thinking that if we commit, we will be accepted more easily... But I think this is the best way to betray us. Instead of appreciating each other, we criticize each other... … [Read more...]
The Changes of Seasons
Feeling cocky, sad or tense? Think of the yellow leaves of the trees, which announce a new season, autumn... manifesting beautiful and contrasting colors that enrich our senses, even if the tree seems to be sad, naked, deprived of its beautiful foliage... When I feel that way, I know, like the fall of the leaves of the trees, which is temporary. I take a deep breath, thanking my … [Read more...]
Guided Meditations with Glory
Meditation is like plugging into the internet of the universe. It is the most effective way to nourish our spirit. So while we are connected we can make requests or thank for what we feel that benefits our environment. We can thank you for our health, send you solutions and peace visualizations that help a family member or friend in a delicate situation. We can send compassion to … [Read more...]
Decide to be happy to stay happy whatever happen
Gloria Belendez-Ramirez presents her book in Spain, Spiritual Orgasms ... vivid encounters in the now. What is a Spiritual Orgasm? It is simply the essence of what existence is made; an intimate and constant palpitation with the Self; a deep connection to the Whole, alive, with a crescendo of consciousness, an explosion of Understanding; an instant look at the Ohhhhh... … [Read more...]