I love to pay!
Bananas and hugs
Welcome smiling boys and girls! Very good morning from this wonderful country at the foot of the Himalayas: … [Read more...]
You should? Better listen!
Hello from Croatia! Welcome to today's Happy Life Language session with the Virus You should and the Antidote Listen! It is a delight for me to greet you from a country that has surprised me intensely ... wowww ... I'm here in a week of joy, where 60 of us join during the Yacht Week Here are some images from … [Read more...]
There is no but that is worth!
Good morning! It's a pleasure for me to greet you from Dubai! If you're reading this we're in tune, walking junt@s on this fun path which is this party called life... there is no but worth it! :) Maybe you're not smiling at how much fun I see him yet... However, recognize what your reality is is a great feat, because it lets you know where you are and feel … [Read more...]
High school graduate? And now that?
Learning how to apply academic information in a practical way This week we had the honor of witnessing the high school graduation of 20 students at Villas Xichu. It was very significant for us to witness the celebration of the conclusion of such an important cycle in the life of a young adult, which is about to open another door: that of the academic specialization itself, … [Read more...]
Making peace with the challenges of the past
For the first fifteen years of my life I lived in a bleak world ... What no one around me knew my world was bleak? Well, it didn't look like it... Not when I saw my mom lovingly serve my dad the grapes peeled with a smile. Not even when my parents danced until the little hours the next day at the parties that were organized in my … [Read more...]
Dare to be yourself
I still remember that cold winter's day, when we went to visit my sister and my niece in the village of Neuss, Germany. As usual, I came out before sunrise while everyone was still asleep. How pleased I felt the cold of the cool wind on my face, a fantastic contrast with the sometimes excessive heat of the housing heating. With great joy I felt the huge trees calling me. Ahhh. It was an … [Read more...]
The happiness is inside us
I have been very fortunate to have awakened to the reality that happiness is within us, thanks to a single event: the only presence of my dear father, upon entering my room in the hospital, with evidence that in reality, SI I WANTED. During the fourteen years before this event, I was convinced that I was not wanted at all, having confused the strictness of my parents with a lack of … [Read more...]
Happiness is contagious … let yourself be contagious and soon you will also be infecting someone else!
What a pleasure it is every time I'm on a plane to Lebanon. And when I get to feel that my joy Dance and jump in my heart with singular algarabía The Mother, the Father, Grandma, Grandpa Everyone starts crying when their loved ones see them coming They kiss his hand, and then his forehead And Grandma cries with joy while maintaining a non-indifferent smile... Balloons, … [Read more...]
Another Wonderful Day!
Como puede uno saber cuando el siguiente momento será En el que algo mágico y grandioso aparecerá de la Nada Si en la Naturaleza caminas, aguarda y verás! De repente un milagro hará tu corazón cantar Sales con la intención de ejercitar tu cuerpo Y mejorar la circulación de tu torrente sanguíneo Pero la realidad es que cuando menos te lo imaginas Nuestra Madre Naturaleza te da … [Read more...]