WHAT RELATIONSHIP HAS MY BODY WITH MY HAPPY? As terrestrials we are, absolutely everything we do has to do with our bodies. Without this body we simply couldn't be in Mother Earth. The body is the vehicle that was assigned to us to come to this Party called Life, and to be able to understand what it means "Thank you, feel happy!" WHAT IS THE BODY? When I was a child I … [Read more...]
The other day, while presenting the book that wrote to me "Spiritual Orgasms" in theFIL de Guadalajara,an American lady approached me telling me, "How do you do you do to do so much?" And I, perplexed, said: -"Me? Do so much?" I was actually struck by his passionate comment, which shook me forcefully by sending me to seek in my memory that "so much do" to which this … [Read more...]
Healing As We Celebrate
While in Africa I found myself thanking God I got an email from far away Italy. It wasn't a message of joy like the only one. But one of "tragedy" between life and death. "My dear Nikki is found grave in the hospital With the blood contaminated, and you see the thing very bad..." And while I was eating those lines, I communicated directly with God Our Creator will help her … [Read more...]
The happiness is inside us
I have been very fortunate to have awakened to the reality that happiness is within us, thanks to a single event: the only presence of my dear father, upon entering my room in the hospital, with evidence that in reality, SI I WANTED. During the fourteen years before this event, I was convinced that I was not wanted at all, having confused the strictness of my parents with a lack of … [Read more...]
Another Wonderful Day!
Como puede uno saber cuando el siguiente momento será En el que algo mágico y grandioso aparecerá de la Nada Si en la Naturaleza caminas, aguarda y verás! De repente un milagro hará tu corazón cantar Sales con la intención de ejercitar tu cuerpo Y mejorar la circulación de tu torrente sanguíneo Pero la realidad es que cuando menos te lo imaginas Nuestra Madre Naturaleza te da … [Read more...]
Connect Breathing
"And as I listen to the majestic sound of my own breath, I simply know that it is our Creator who is breathing us all at this very moment, and that we are all breathing, no matter where in the world, day or night, the SAME air. And being aware that all beings that inhabit the planet are breathing the same air at the same time, I feel accompanied... never again alone. n] How to feel lonely or … [Read more...]
Absolute faith
How can someone be happy, or even feel identified with this idea, if since birth you have seen nothing but aggressive and violent problems and words? But... If you vividly observe Mother Nature and its absolute perfection, you come gently and deeply to the conviction that everything is perfect as it is... we come to the conclusion that we too, are children of God. We are Light, we are … [Read more...]
Recover the state of well-being.
When you're going through difficult times, like a challenge, what kind of feelings come to you? Feelings Found? And when you live something nice, what kind of feelings do you have? Placenteros? When you're feeling grieving or stressed, try changing the negative image that's giving you that feeling to a nice, positive image. Feel that feeling of solie when you imagine those thoughts that make you … [Read more...]
What time is it? NOW!
Welcome to the Third Pillar of the Workshop Decides to Be Happy and Keep You Happy WHAT HAPPENS! I've been in the here and in the Now... you will see the miracles that will bring you to the realization of your dreams... Now if you will feel the limitless of your inner powers, of the light you are, united to the All... You have nothing left to take action, knowing clearly what you want, … [Read more...]
I do not whip myself, I admire myself!
How do you live your life? Remembering past mistakes and wishing I hadn't made them? Bringing them to your present moment again and again, relive those bitter moments that brought you to feel bad, perhaps experiencing shame, fear, longing... And the months and years keep passing, and you keep latigating, punishing you for such a 'tremendous mistake'? If you breathe deeply and smile, … [Read more...]